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Trumpeter swans: Yellowstone USA
Trumpeter swans with a cygnet: Yellowstone USA
Trumpeter swans in an icy river: Yellowstone USA
Great horned owl: Yellowstone USA
Elk resting in snow: Yellowstone USA
Four pronghorn deer on a snowy mountain side: Yellowstone USA
Pronghorn deer: Yellowstone USA
White-tailed deer on a snowy hillside: Yellowstone USA
Bull moose on a snowy landscape: Yellowstone USA
A bull moose in a frozen field of willow: Yellowstone USA
A bull moose after shedding its antlers: Yellowstone USA
A pair of moose eating willow stalks: Yellowstone USA
Bighorn sheep: Yellowstone USA
Bighorn sheep head butting: Yellowstone USA
A bighorn sheep standing on a rocky mountainside: Yellowstone USA. (This photograph was taken in portrait mode and is cropped. Please click to see the full picture).
Otter and prey on the bank of an icy river: Yellowstone USA
Bison crossing a river against a background of geysers: Yellowstone USA
Bison feeding in a snow-covered field: Yellowstone USA
Bison resting amongst a number of geysers: Yellowstone USA
A bison climbing a steep snowy mountain: Yellowstone USA
A herd of bison on a snow covered road: Yellowstone USA
A snow encrusted bison searching for food in the snow: Yellowstone USA
A bison leaving tracks in a snow covered field: Yellowstone USA
A herd of bison on a snow covered mountain with a tree: Yellowstone USA. (This photograph was taken in portrait mode and is cropped. Please click to see the full picture).
Coyote walking alongside a wintry river: Yellowstone USA
Coyote in snow: Yellowstone USA
A coyote stands in snow against a mountain backdrop: Yellowstone USA
Coyote entering a wood: Yellowstone USA
Coyote walking over snowy terrain: Yellowstone USA
A wolf with remains of prey: Yellowstone USA